Sunday, July 26, 2009

Postscript – The Longest Day

Do you remember – back in my first entry of this blog – I described how I ‘missed’ an entire day traveling from DC to Sydney – and how there was no Monday, July 6th in my life? Well, today, I guess I was paid back in full! I flew from Sydney to LA and then from LA to DC. A total of 20 hours in the air – and several more in airport lounges. The strangest thing of all, though, was that I arrived in LA earlier in the day than when I had left Sydney! I departed from Sydney around 2:00pm on Sunday afternoon – but I landed in LA at 10:00am on Sunday morning. Confused? I was! It certainly made this a VERY long Sunday. I think my Sunday lasted about 40 hours…
But there was the perfect reward for this arduous journey waiting for me at Dulles. My wife, Cecilia, was there to meet me – and so too were Aidan and Eliza, which was a complete surprise as I had been told that they would already be in bed. I had never been away from my family for so long – and I had missed them enormously. But the reception and hugs I got from them all quickly made me forget the 20 hour flight. What a wonderful welcome home.

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