Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday evening...or is it morning?

It's Tuesday evening here in Sydney (I took this photograph from out of the window of the restaurant where I just had dinner - 36 floors up!) but, having just spoken to the family, I realize it is just the very beginning of the day back in Washington, D.C.
8:00 am Tuesday morning in D.C. is 10:00 pm Tuesday night here... all very confusing, and my body hasn't caught up yet. I'm about to go to bed - hopefully for a long and good night's sleep.
I haven't seen very much of Sydney yet - I'm planning on walking over to see the Opera House in the morning (plus - my longer visit to Sydney will be at the end of my travels - for almost the whole of the last week of my trip). What I have seen of Sydney so far reminds me of Edinburgh and Dublin more than anywhere else. I was expecting a city similar to L.A. - as someone had told me to expect...but this has a distinctly English/Irish/Scottish feel to it.
All the candy/chocolate here is the same as it is in England - which is very exciting too! The newsstands and cafes are like the ones in London. But they DO have Starbucks (!) - I made sure to get my coffee from somewhere different/local though...otherwise I may as well have stayed on Wisconsin Avenue!
Anyway - I can't get over these views. Seeing the Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge out there is unreal. It's like being right next door to one of the seven wonders of the world - and you have to keep pinching yourself (or is that just to keep myself awake?!)
More tomorrow - I MUST sleep!

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